designed magnetic powered vehicle
designed super low cost desalination service
designed laser apparatus that deals with loss mitigation (not the actual components, simply idea)
designed fork lift apparatus to reduce load times
designed phone systems and workarounds for power dialers, etc
designed a unique wine bottle that is re-usable
moving app and video game
water heater apparatus for plumbing fixes (Georgie)
iterated then designed a loss mitigation / security detection device for mostly big brick retail stores and grocery stores
Electric Vehicle iteration that reduces vehicle re-charge time from current time spands to roughly 4-5 minutes.
two box agua desalination system that can be built at 1,000% lower costs of existing systems
A magnetic moving apparatus / vehicle
Wine bottle re-sealing apparatus
Laser powered loss mitigation system for various global stores
Fork lift invention - increases productiving, depending on loads, by up to 300%
innovated voice A.I. powered (perhaps archaically built) system / application
Solved Electric Vehicle Charging Station Time Delays with patentable charging station and vehicle design change
Missle / laser individual solder drone strike defense
Leaf raking apparatus - increase the efficiency of manual powered leaf raking by up to 75%! Patent Pending
Phone workaround for telco network monitoring and website/software monitoring