Average Cost of SEO

We are 25-50% less than the average cost of U.S. based seo (search engine optimization) and sem (search engine marketing) companies.

Bulk emailing campaign pricing:  Email Price List

Content and Article writing for SEO or marketing landing page:  Price List

Link Building:  Price List

Websites:  Price List

Automated Google Ads:  Price List

Highly Targeted YouTube Ads:  Price List

Talked to a few search engine optimization companies and heard a similar schpeel?

Well, that's because most of seo is basically the same - so what's the deal with the VAST differences in cost?  Well, probably because most of the work that is completed on your website is proverbially or literally, 'unseen' - are the unseen seo thing really eternal?   Not exactly.

In other words, here at AutomationAnytime, our process is fairly simple.

Time Costs Of SEO Work

So, like, she just graduated with her MBA from the Ivy league and after all the passed tests, not sure how and why things worked and doesn't work.

Time Magazine declared G-d is Dead, 1970's edition - perhaps, the day the journalist was writing the article, like, probably G-d may has simply took the day off, was hiding somewhere, or something else.  Quantum physics, as relates to time says it's really only energy.  So in other words, the energy costs of SEO work.  (in other words, all seo work isn't equal...so 'the numbers' will always not tell the full story of things...Nevertheless, we put numbers on a page for the sake of attempting to convince potential consumers of the 'value' of services, in relation to the current marketplace, etc.  - Make sense?

Writing a 'quality' 300+ word article - 2 hours @ $100 per hour = $200/mo

Spinning article once every two weeks and updating site - 20 minutes, however, a level of expertise and average cost in the marketplace to 'consistently do...(with all the 'other things' going on - i.e. - there's ACTUAL BUSINESS VALUE to reminding...) = $200/mo

1 time Onsite Optimization per 10 pages = $399 - (discounts for additional pages, etc)

100 one way inbound links per month = $300/mo

Inclusion into 60-360 directories = one time $299 - $599

In other words, some people 'say' they'll do the SEO themselves or hire workers or 'resources' on outsourcing sites, etc. - yeah, plenty of people, companies and websites complete work 'in-house' or hire employees for ads, etc.  (I mean, was in the Corporate Marketing and Corporate Sales division at Citrix while scaling 3 separate companies, some valued at over 1Million+ in annual revenues...).

The consistent 'energy' to follow the daily seo 'checklist' etc and then creating unique content.

AutomationAnytime, has basically automated a large portion of these processes and, basically, the only reason we can be a 'small shop' that successfully handles a larger numer of clients without acquiring addiotional 'resource' costs. Make sense?

Is there really a PHD in building companies?