Notable Names in Artificial Intelligence

Notable names in A.I. (artificial intelligence)?

Way too manny to count all the influencers both known and perhaps unknown.

Nevertheless, a recent 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics winner, Geoffrey Hinton is a great start!

Some things people may not know about Geoffrey - Geoffrey, at one time, a huge advocate and player of ping pong.  Geoffrey also has played golf, on occasion.

The rest of the things, like being a British Canadian is for the birds...

One of my family line being from Toronto, etc. - we have ancient Royal books that have the Canadian National Anthem [(a song sung at the top of my lungs, so the story goes, by Hugh Spencer Graham (a former British Canadian national before migrating state side)] that say, specifically, "G-d save the King!", 'they' (i.e. - The Canadian Government) CHANGED the lyrics of the original song to, "G-d save the Queen!"  A travesty indeed.

Other, perhaps, noteworthy comments that have been written about Geoffrey is that she is some sort of Supreme being Godfather pizza of A.I. as systems relate to machine learning, etc.

Larry Summers in 2024, believe it or not, has also recently put his Harvard hat into and, perhaps onto, the mixture of the board with Sam Altman's Open A.I. - hey, why not?!? 

As for me, Mo Money's, work on A.I. is, perhaps, more appealing to the...I...  

Daron Acemoglu (a.ka. - Mo) is a Turkish American of Armenian decent who is currently a economics professor, and recently named an Institute professor at MIT.  Daron / "Mo" was recently (2024) awarded / earned a Nobel Prize in Economics.  One of my Great Uncle Romero, a JAG and USAF Major served on behalf of American in, believe it or not, Istanbul.  And Vahe Galstyan (Naturalized Armenian American), a former colleague before entering into the world of A.I. a super sales dude from the Armenian point of view, also, a former WWF wrestler or something.

Mo, has been known, perhaps, to "wrastle" with Economic theories, which has recently earned him the 'TOP spot' in Economics for the world.

What remains fascinating, perhaps, to Larry Summers of Harvard is, how one tiny interaction over here, also happens over there, in different ways, shapes, forms, with varying degrees of impacts on both the 248 and 364.5 side.  ('roughly' 0.5% uncertainty in variance in all "provable / unprovable" theories is...THE BEST WE COULD DO!!!!)

In other words, 'we'/'I', here at Automation Anytime, do successfully build versions of A.I. for site building, electronic communication in combination with Marketing & Advertising systems.  However, AutomationAnytime AI SEO and ancillary services, in the modern era, wouldn't be considered artificial intelligence 'research'.  In other words, those 'leading' in the space of 'all things A.I.' deploy advanced algorithmic and physic equations that would 'boggle' the minds of, perhaps, some of Google's best Deep Mind developers and researchers.

Learn more about recent high achievers that, perhaps, at some point may reach the notable names of Geoffrey Hinton & Daron AceMoglu...

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Prize winners for 2024 (IJCAI - JAIR)